Get users that likes the post

It appears that you are storing the data in the post’s meta, not user’s meta. Therefore, you need to retrieve it by directly getting the meta for that post, not by doing a user query.

Let’s say your post’s ID is $post_id:

First, retrieve the meta by get_post_meta():

$users = get_post_meta ( $post_id, 'post_liked_users', false );

I assumed that you are storing the data as multiple serialized ( based on your question ), so I set the last parameter of the above function to false, which will retrieve every meta, and we will try to extract the array:

if ( $users ) {
    foreach ( $users as $user ) {
        // $user[0] is the user-1 string here, and 
        // $user[1] is the integer ( their ID )
        echo get_user_by( 'id', $user[1] )->display_name;