Well, if you insist using get_template_part, the only solution I see is to define a global variable in your widget’s widget() function, and set it to true or something.
After you call get_template_part in your widget, set this variable to false. Within your template check for that variable, and if it’s true, it means you are within the widget.
A better way is to use locate_template
and do the inclusion yourself. That way you can control what variables are exposed in your template, so you can pass a normal variable to your template:
$_located = locate_template('template-name', false, false);
$in_widget = true; // not global :D
// load it;
// any variables you have here will also be available in your template
require $_located;
In your template:
A different way, without using that context variable:
if(isset($this) && ($this instanceof YourWidgetClass)){