Registering multiple copies of a widget

You really need to be using the Widget API.

Here is a widget shell to get you started.

class WPSE_Widget_Shell extends WP_Widget {

  function __construct() {
    $opts = array(
      'description' => 'Brief description; shows on the backend'
      'Widget Name', // shows on the backend

  function form($instance) {
    echo 'backend widget form (optional if you have not user configurable options)';

  function update($new_instance,$old_instance) {
    // Process backend form data
    // optional if you don't have a 'form' method

  function widget($args,$instance) {
    echo 'Front end widget display';

function register_my_widgets() {

You are extending the widget class at wp-includes/widgets.php so it is good to keep an eye on the parent class. You can use the default widgets as patterns.