Contact Form 7 – Submit Form not working After Ajax Request [closed]

You have been loading CF-7 form using ajax by that means required scripts for that form never executed for that. And, because of that thing your form not working as it was expected to be.

You have to re-initiate the scripts of CF-7 for the particular form. Here, is the updated PHP code.

Now, your ajax will be:


function _myConfirmHandler()
        $vehicle_no = $_POST['vehicle_no'];
        $email = $_POST['email'];

        echo do_shortcode('[cfdb-table form="season parking form_copy" show="your-name,mail,your-platno,your-location" filter="your-platno=' . $vehicle_no . '" headers="your-name=Name,mail=Email,your-platno=Registration No.,your-location=Parking Location"]');

        // Display the Form 
        echo do_shortcode('[contact-form-7 id="6959" title="Payment season Form_Post"]');
        jQuery('.wpcf7 > form').initForm();
        var urL = jQuery('.wpcf7 > form').attr('action').split('#');
        jQuery('.wpcf7 > form').attr('action', "#" + urL[1]);



initForm is no longer present since CF7 5.4

Thank You @Chris Pink
