This is a basis of the shortcode to be placed in your functions.php or custom plugin. You will need to edit it to fit your needs:
//Shortcode function can be called whatever you want
function merchantname_shortcode( $atts ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
//Creates a arg "merchantname" with no default value.
//To use this arg in your shortcode use: $atts['merchantname']
'merchantname' => ''
), $atts, 'merchant-name' );
//Anything else you want goes in here. You can't echo anything in a shortcode.
//Assign it to a var like:
$String = "foo";
$String .= "bar";
return $String;
//Anything that is echoed will be displayed at the top of $content regardless
//to where the shortcode is.
//First arg is the text you would put in your page to display the shortcode.
//Creates a shortcode [merchant-name].
//Second arg is the function used to create the shortcode.
add_shortcode( 'merchant-name', 'merchantname_shortcode' );