How to access or parse key/values that have “string”

In it’s current state you would directly get the value from the associative PHP array by directly referencing the key like so:

var_dump( $form_data['key'] );

It’s wise to note that when you dump variables using var_dump you get information on the value type, and length. So in this case you get string(33) which indicates the value is a string and is 33 characters long. This is purely informational and this isn’t stored or otherwise interfering with your actual data.

For example if you simply echo that array key instead of using var_dump, you will get the value:

echo $form_data['key'];

You would get first_and_last_name_1570130204042.

You may find some of the documentation on W3 Schools useful if you’re still adjusting to PHP from Perl. Here’s the relevant links to support the above:

If you’re more at home with JSON, you can actually convert a PHP array with the function $json_data = json_encode( $form_data ) too