Custom Meta Field not Working with qTranslate [closed]

Less complicated is to use the plugin’s Quicktags and use the Gettext functions to print the content in the site.
[:en]English[:pt]Português Quicktags docs

Another option is to do just like qTranslate interface does with the post titles:
qtrans titles

Create one custom field for each language in your meta box:
custom meta box with custom fields

qTrans documentation is not consolidated, so analyzing the code can be handy:
The function qtrans_getSortedLanguages returns an array with the site languages:

  [0] => 'es'
  [1] => 'en'
  [2] => 'nl'
  [3] => 'fr'
  [4] => 'de'

This can be used to insert jQuery elements that will control the visibility of existing ones. The following is just a prof of concept and has to be adapted as desired.

The result is a checkbox inside the Page Attributes meta box that will show/hide the button Preview inside the Publish metabox.
jquery wp manipulation

Code for the previous snapshot:

 * Inject jQuery Button to Control Some Element(s) Visibility
add_action( 'admin_footer-post.php', 'wpse_59056_inject_visibility_checkbox' );

function wpse_59056_inject_visibility_checkbox() 
    global $current_screen;

    // If not a Page, do nothing
    if ( 
        'page' != $current_screen->id 

    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready( function($) 
            // Define the Checkbox
            var radioBtn = $('<input type="checkbox" name="rbtnCount" id="rbtnCount" /><label for="rbtnCount"> My Box Visibility</label>');

            // Append to the Page Attributes meta box
            radioBtn.appendTo('#pageparentdiv .inside');

            // Mark it as checked
            $('#rbtnCount').attr('checked', true);

            // Watch its behavior
            $('#rbtnCount').change( function () 
                // Show/Hide the "Preview" button inside the Publish meta box   
                if( $(this).is(':checked') )

* With the help of StackOverflow Create dynamically radio button in jquery

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