Is it possible to have a multilingual site creating a subdirectory without the use of a plugin?
Is it possible to have a multilingual site creating a subdirectory without the use of a plugin?
Is it possible to have a multilingual site creating a subdirectory without the use of a plugin?
Multilanguange with domaine
Insert attributes names according to language with polylang programmatically
WordPress Polylang can only use one language
Switch between WordPress multisite language
Making theme translation available crashes sidebar
How to translate to a language different than the current one?
make my custom theme support polylang plugin
I ended up using this in the “additional css” tab. .logo_new img { content:url(“wp-content/uploads/path/to/image/image.png”); height: 90px; width: 220px; }
Merging multiple WP databases into one for a multilanguage site prevents access to language-specific WP administration