Custom plugin which downloads updates from custom endpoint, extracts new version zip into a new name

Thanks Tom J Nowell! That led me down the right direction and I’ve been able to update successfully. Here’s what I did:

  1. Re-structured my repo to match:
|-- .git
|-- .gitattributes
|-- .gitignore
|-- package.json
|-- plugin-name
    |-- plugin-name.php
    |-- src
        |-- ...
  1. Code new version in a new branch, merge into master

  2. From command line, cd into root of directory above, & run:

git archive -o <plugin-name>-<major>.<minor>.<patch>.zip --format=zip --prefix=<plugin-name>/ HEAD:<plugin-name>

  1. Upload the to S3 <bucket>/wp-plugin/v<plugin-major-version>/<zipfile>.zip, e.g.


  1. ???