I re-wrote the function, taking a few liberties with it.
The main change was specify the ID of the association to link to in your call to get_permalink
and to just use $association->ID
instead of calling get_the_title
(though you could just place the same ID in get the title).
I also switched from using the_post() to using next_post() which pulls the next post into a variable instead of stomping on the various post global variables.
Finally, since the function is getAssociationsList, I had it return the output instead of echoing it. (and I changed the name … as using underscores helps when people need to translate your function names a little)
Anywise, I hope this helps!
private function get_associations_list(){
$associations = new WP_Query( array('post_type' => 'associations' ) );
if( $associations->found_posts > 0 ) {
$output .= '<ul>';
while ($associations->have_posts()) {
# changed to use next_post() so we can avoid messing with the global query
# which avoids needing to use reset below.
$association = $associations->next_post();
# block this out as we no longer need it
# $associations->the_post();
# Changed value to use the objects ID rather than calling an extra function to get it
$events_query = array(
'post_type' => 'events',
'meta_query'=> array(
'key' => 'mlw_event_association',
'value' => $association->ID
# Checked via have_posts
# - added target object to get permalink and title for
# - changed count to use found_posts instead of post_count
$events_for_this_association = new WP_Query($events_query);
if ( $events_for_this_association->have_posts() ) {
# There is at least one
$association_link = get_permalink( $association->ID );
$association_title = $association->post_title;
$association_event_count = $events_for_this_association->found_posts;
$output .= <<<HTML
<li><a href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/176768/{$association_link}">{$association_title}</a> ({$association_event_count})</li>
$output .= '</ul>';
# no longer needing to reset post data as we never used the global space
# wp_reset_postdata();
$output="<p>" . __("No association with upcoming events at the moment") . '</p>';
# Maybe give caller option to echo it immediately instead of echoing it.
return $output;