different template for first and second level custom post page

i needed something similar and i’ve come up with this simple little function that make things easier :

function is_child_post($parent_ID = null) {
    global $post;
    if (isset($parent_ID) && $parent_ID != null){
        return $post->post_parent == $parent_ID;
    return $post->post_parent > 0;


check if a post/page/custom has a parent:

if (is_child_post()){
  //yes we have a parent
  //not its a top level parent

check if a post/page/custom is a child of a specific parent with the ID of 32:

if (is_child_post(32)){
  //yes its a child of a parent with the ID of 32
  //not its a child of a parent with the ID of 32

So once you have this handy function you can create your a child-products.php template file and then use ‘template_redirect’ hook to tell WordPress when to use it for example this will tell WordPress to use it even time its a child product:

function custom_child_template_redirect($single_template) {
    global $post;
    if ($post->post_type == 'YOUR_TYPE' && is_child_post()) { //change YOUR_TYPE to your custom Post type name 
        return TEMPLATEPATH . '/child-products.php'; // change child-products.php to the name of your child template file
    return $single_template;

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'custom_child_template_redirect' );