Display Author role in archive or author page

$authordata is not available before the first post is set up (before the first the_post();).

But all the data you need are already there on an author archive: in get_queried_object().

It is a WP_User Object on the author archive.

print '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars( print_r( get_queried_object(), TRUE ) ) . '</pre>';


WP_User Object
    [data] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 2
            [user_login] => toscho
            [user_pass] => $P$BO6.B4TIhxnKspIlxXHJCqa.M4I3v01
            [user_nicename] => toscho
            [user_email] => [email protected]
            [user_url] => 
            [user_registered] => 2011-12-25 15:20:12
            [user_activation_key] => 
            [user_status] => 0
            [display_name] => toscho

    [ID] => 2
    [caps] => Array
             => 1

    [cap_key] => test_capabilities
    [roles] => Array
            [0] => author

    [allcaps] => Array
            [upload_files] => 1
            [edit_posts] => 1
            [edit_published_posts] => 1
            [publish_posts] => 1
            [read] => 1
            [level_2] => 1
            [level_1] => 1
            [level_0] => 1
            [delete_posts] => 1
            [delete_published_posts] => 1
             => 1

    [filter] => 

So this will print the current author’s first role:

! empty ( get_queried_object()->roles )
    and print ucfirst( get_queried_object()->roles[0] );