Div-Wrap with Functions.php in Childtheme using Shortcode!

Shortcodes come in two flavors:

[shortcodename param1 = value, ..., param-n = value]


[shortcodename param-1 = value, ..., param-n = value]some content[/shortcodename]

In both cases, add_shortcode('shortcodename', 'functionname') function is identical.

The functionname() function’s parameters, determine which flavor will be used:

functionname($atts) is for shortcode with no closing tag, and
functionname($atts, $content) is for shortcode with an arbitrary content, between opening, and closing tags.

In our case, the second type should be used:

function my_block_header($atts, $content) {
    return '<div class="block_header">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('blockhead', 'my_block_header');

Use as:

    [blockhead]Headline text[/blockhead]
    ... quoted text ...

Note: second add_shortcode, in your code is unnecessary, and incorrect, as shortcode tag cannot start with / character, and one shortcode is enough, to return a division, with both, opening, closing tags. Also, both shortcode functions, in your code, lack mandatory parameters.