Download file using cURL into wp-includes/uploads

There is special wp_upload_bits() function to upload the content to the ‘uploads’ directory. Also, there is no such directory as /wp-includes/upload/.

The code was not tested!


$video_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';

$thumbnail_types = array(

foreach( $thumbnail_types as $type ) {

    $file_name = $type . '.jpg';

    $youtube_thumb_url="" . $video_id . "" . $file_name;

    $thumbnail_file = file_get_contents( $youtube_thumb_url );

    // Where the magic happens
    $uploaded_file = wp_upload_bits( $file_name, null, $thumbnail_file );

    // check the result
    echo '<pre>';
    print_r( $uploaded_file ) ; // path, URL, file type and error message
    echo '</pre>';
