i have created the following solution, it is working when you keep into the active theme functions.php.
Page: includes\forms\class-wp-job-manager-form-submit-job.php
Line: 791
add_filter('submit_job_form_save_job_data', 'remove_dublicated_post_name', 10, 5);
function remove_dublicated_post_name($job_data, $post_title, $post_content, $status, $values){
if( ! strpos( $job_data['post_name'] , sanitize_title($values['company']['company_name'] ) ){
// to remove dublicate company names
$post_name_raw_arr = explode("-",$job_data['post_name']);
$post_name_unique_arr = array_unique($post_name_raw_arr );
$job_data['post_name'] = sanitize_title( implode( '-', $post_name_unique_arr ) );
return $job_data;
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