Error do_shortcode In WooCommerce Template

I solved this with dirty way.. hope someone else can provide more efficient solution, my final working code for problem above:

$shortkode="[zendesk_request_form size="3" group="extra-field" subject="Quotation For -wkwkwk-"]";
$shortkode = do_shortcode( $shortkode );
add_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'quotation_form', 61);
function quotation_form()
$produk = get_the_title();
global $shortkode;
$shortkode = str_replace("-wkwkwk-", $produk, $shortkode);
echo $shortkode;

So i move out do_shorcode outside function, then declare it as global variable.
The problem is about my $produk variable will not working if declare it outside WordPress page, so I’m using str_replace to replacing pre product title