Ok, found. I spent hours on this but I managed to find the solution.
The command I was looking for was $rss->enable_order_by_date(false);.
So you should set (for benefit of the community):
/* include the required file */ include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php');
/* specify the source feed */ $rss = fetch_feed('FEED_URL');
/* disable order by date */ $rss->enable_order_by_date(false);
/* checks obj. is created */ if (!is_wp_error( $rss ) ) :
/* specify number of items */ $maxitems = $rss->get_item_quantity(X);
/* create an array of items */ $rss_items = $rss->get_items(0, $maxitems);
<?php if ($maxitems == 0) echo '<li>Content not available.</li>';
// Loop through each feed item and display each item as a hyperlink.
foreach ( $rss_items as $item ) : ?>
<a href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/84325/<?php echo $item->get_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_html( $item->get_title() ); ?>" rel="external"><?php echo esc_html( $item->get_title() ); ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Hope this helps! 🙂