Force logout ALL users at a certain time

This should be possible, WordPress provides the WP_Session_Tokens class to manage logged in sessions. Then it’s just a matter of connecting it to the cron. The following is a simple plugin file which I think should do it. Add it to the plugins directory and it should start working. *not tested.

Plugin Name: Logout Users
Description: Forces all users to be logged out twice a day.
Author: Tim Ross
Version: 1.0.0
Author URI:

 * Create hook and schedule cron job on plugin activation.
 * Schedule recurring cron event.
function logout_users_plugin_activate() {
    $timestamp2pm = strtotime( '14:00:00' ); // 2:00 PM.
    $timestamp10pm = strtotime( '22:00:00' ); // 10:00 PM.
    // check to make sure it's not already scheduled.
    if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'myplugin_cron_hook' ) ) {
        wp_schedule_event( $timestamp2pm, 'daily', 'logout_users_plugin_cron_hook' );
        wp_schedule_event( $timestamp10pm, 'daily', 'logout_users_plugin_cron_hook' );
        // use wp_schedule_single_event function for non-recurring.
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'logout_users_plugin_activate' );

 * Unset cron event on plugin deactivation.
function logout_users_plugin_deactivate() {
    wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'logout_users_plugin_cron_hook' ); // unschedule event.
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'logout_users_plugin_deactivate' );

function logout_all_users() {
    // Get an instance of WP_User_Meta_Session_Tokens
    $sessions_manager = WP_Session_Tokens::get_instance();
    // Remove all the session data for all users.

// hook function logout_users_plugin_cron_hook() to the action logout_users_plugin_cron_hook.
add_action( 'logout_users_plugin_cron_hook', 'logout_all_users' );