Form Value of drop down category + Translation of ‘show option none’

Ok… as thing go when your trying to solve somethimg you have no peace until its fixed so.. i went ahead and did some clear mind thinking (after a night sleep) and got that i can check the HTML for the values returen.

Just wanted to share incase anyone stumbles with the need for this info

This:<?php wp_dropdown_categories('show_option_none=---------------->&taxonomy=category&hide_empty=0&name=cats[]&orderby=name&hierarchical=1'); ?>

Returns a value of the category number for each select item which is easy to check.

Also.. about the translation part
this is the right way to do that..

$choosecatmsg = __('Choose A Category', 'blue_article_demon');                      

Thanks for anyone who took a look
while i was stuck 🙂