I’ve seen in the pastebin the problem and merged the whole code together again. Put this first part completely into your functions.php.
* Display previous image link that has the same post parent.
* @since 2.5.0
* Original version in /wp-include/media.php
* @param string $size Optional, default is 'thumbnail'. Size of image, either array or string. 0 or 'none' will default to post_title or $text;
* @param string $text Optional, default is false. If included, link will reflect $text variable.
* @return string HTML content.
function lwy_previous_image_link($size="thumbnail", $text = false) {
lwy_adjacent_image_link(true, $size, $text);
* Display next image link that has the same post parent.
* @since 2.5.0
* Original version in /wp-include/media.php
* @param string $size Optional, default is 'thumbnail'. Size of image, either array or string. 0 or 'none' will default to post_title or $text;
* @param string $text Optional, default is false. If included, link will reflect $text variable.
* @return string HTML content.
function lwy_next_image_link($size="thumbnail", $text = false) {
lwy_adjacent_image_link(false, $size, $text);
* Display next or previous image link that has the same post parent.
* Retrieves the current attachment object from the $post global.
* @since 2.5.0
* Original version in /wp-include/media.php
* @param bool $prev Optional. Default is true to display previous link, false for next.
function lwy_adjacent_image_link($prev = true, $size="thumbnail", $text = false) {
global $post;
$post = get_post($post);
$attachments = array_values(get_children( array('post_parent' => $post->post_parent, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID') ));
foreach ( $attachments as $k => $attachment )
if ( $attachment->ID == $post->ID )
$k = $prev ? $k - 1 : $k + 1;
if ( isset($attachments[$k]) ) {
$nav_link = wp_get_attachment_link($attachments[$k]->ID, $size, true, false, $text); // save in $nav_link instead of displaying with 'echo'
// This if statement has been added
if (empty($nav_link) || $nav_link == __('Missing Attachment')) {
// If a new version of WP has been released, check this code snippet to behave equivalent to function wp_get_attachment_link()
// in post-template.php. Also the string 'Missing Attachment' has to be checked for changes.
// $text = $text ? esc_attr($text) : ''; // this is simply the text which you set when calling lwy_previous_image_link() / lwy_next_image_link()
$text = __('More Galleries', 'lwy_translate'); // display a fixed text like 'More Galleries'
$title = __('Go to more galleries page', 'lwy_translate'); // the text which does popup when mouseover the link
$gallery_page="/link_to/more/galleries_page"; // !!! REPLACE WITH THE URL TO THE MORE GALLERIES PAGE !!!
$nav_link = sprintf( '<a href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/37221/%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a>', $gallery_page, $title, $text);
$nav_link = apply_filters( 'wp_get_attachment_link', $nav_link, $attachments[$k]->ID, $size, true, false, $text );
echo $nav_link;
You have to replace the link in $gallery_page with the link to your more galleries page.
If you don’t need translation add in image.php
<?php lwy_previous_image_link( false, '← Previous'); ?>
<?php lwy_next_image_link( false, 'Next →'); ?>
You may modify the strings ‘← Previous’ and ‘Next →’ as you like.
If translation should possible somewhere in the future add in image.php
<?php lwy_previous_image_link( false, __( '← Previous' , 'lwy_translate' ) ); ?>
<?php lwy_next_image_link( false, __( 'Next →' , 'lwy_translate' ) ); ?>