get_pages() Returns Only One Item

Your problem is in this section

foreach( $voc_pages as $voc_page ) {
    $voc_link = '<a href="'.get_page_link( $voc_page->ID ).'">'.$voc_page->post_title.'</a>';
    return $voc_link;

You return $voc_link after just the first iteration, stopping the function and returning its value. You should take return $voc_link; outside your foreach loop, and probably save your links as an array

Change the above section to

foreach( $voc_pages as $voc_page ) {
    $voc_link[] = '<a href="'.get_page_link( $voc_page->ID ).'">'.$voc_page->post_title.'</a>';
return $voc_link;


From your comment

This only returns “Array” instead

You are most probably trying to echo the function. You cannot echo an array, this will just print the word Array

As the function returns an array, you have two choices


Put the output through a foreach loop

$links = get_vocations_list();
foreach ( $links as $link ) {

    echo $link;



Convert the array to a string inside the function and then return the string

foreach( $voc_pages as $voc_page ) {
    $voc_link[] = '<a href="'.get_page_link( $voc_page->ID ).'">'.$voc_page->post_title.'</a>';

$voc_link = implode( '</br>', $voc_link );
return $voc_link;

And then use the function as

echo get_vocations_list();