The following adds the shortcode [my_t_shortcode]
, which accepts an attribute ‘lang’, and applys the above mentioned function to the content.
//Add shortcodes
add_shortcode( 'my_t_shortcode', 'wpse41477_shortcode_handler' );
//It's good practise to make sure your functions are prefixed by something unique
function wpse41477_shortcode_handler( $atts, $content = null ) {
//This will extract 'lang' attribute as $lang. You can supply default values too.
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'lang' => 'default_lang',
), $atts ) );
//The above lowercases all values.
/* Apply external function. 'display' is too generic,
* give it a unique prefix to prevent a clash with another plugin/theme/WordPress
$content = wpse41477_display($content,13);
//why not do $content = mb_substr($content,0,13); instead?
//Apply divs
$content = "<div id='translator' class="translate_".$lang."">".$content."</div>";
//Not sure what the following is for, but I've left it in.
if($lang == $_SESSION['language']):
return $content;
And the custom function:
function wpse41477_display($shortcodecontent, $noofchars){
$content2 = mb_substr($shortcodecontent,0,$noofchars);
return $content2;
If that all wpse41477_display
does, I would strongly recommend that you include it directly in the shortcode handler (see the comments).
The above code is not tested.