Get the Term List – Ordering

To expand on my comment above, you would replace your code with something like this:

print_taxonomy_ranks( get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'post_tags' ) );

and in your function print_taxonomy_ranks you’d replace the echo statement with your preferred output.

function print_taxonomy_ranks( $terms ) {
// if terms is not array or its empty don't proceed
if ( ! is_array( $terms ) || empty( $terms ) ) {
    return false;

foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
    // if the term have a parent, set the child term as attribute in parent term
    if ( $term->parent != 0 )  {
        $terms[$term->parent]->child = $term;   
    } else {
        // record the parent term
        $parent = $term;

echo "Order: $parent->name, Family: {$parent->child->name}, Sub-Family: {$parent->child->child->name}";

Extracted from this answer