get_the_id, get_the_permalink, and get_the_title all with one DB call

These functions do not even call the database each time they are run. It just pulls them off the current post object that was returned by the database query that retrieved the posts. There’s nothing to optimise here.

get_the_ID() and get_the_title() literally just return $post->ID and $post->post_title. get_permalink() is a little bit more complicated, because it needs to do logic to figure out what the URL should be, based on permalink settings etc., but it doesn’t require additional database calls.

WordPress is not so poorly optimised that you need to do anything about these functions. If it’s how the documentation tells you how to do it, and it’s how the default themes work, then it’s fine.

If you’re concerned about the speed of your site, then install Query Monitor and at least check what queries are actually being made before deciding on a target.