get_theme_mod only returns false

The debugger tells me that get_theme_mod() is returning ‘false’, when
I expect it to return the value of the selected item.

get_theme_mod() isn’t working because when you registered the setting, you set the type to option:

$wp_customize->add_setting('title_font', array(
  'default'        => 'Roboto Slab',
  'capability'     => 'edit_theme_options',
  'type'           => 'option',
  'transport'  => 'postMessage'

The possible values for type when adding a setting are 'option', or the default, 'theme_mod'.

option stores the value independently of the current theme, and is retrieved with get_option(), while theme_mod stores the value only for the current theme, and is retrieved with get_theme_mod().

Using get_option() gives me the key of the option, “value3” and not the value.

The ‘key’ is the value. It’s what’s output into the value="" attribute of the <option> tag.

If you want to use the label, there’s two potential solutions.

First, you could just pass the labels only, then these will also be used as the values:

  'Roboto Slab',
  'Times New Roman',
  'American Typewriter',

Or you could store a reference to the labels independently of both places:

function wpse_341193_get_font_options() {
    return array(
      'value1' => 'Roboto Slab',
      'value2' => 'Times New Roman',
      'value3' => 'American Typewriter',

Which you can then use as the choices:

'choices' => wpse_341193_get_font_options(),

And the output:

$font_options = wpse_341193_get_font_options();
$font_family  = get_theme_mod('title_font');// false
?>font-family: <?php echo $font_options[$font_family] ?>;