Get_the_terms restrict output

you can change you code a bit :

$taxonomy = 'country';
if($terms) {
    echo '<h1>Holiday ';
    $total_count = count($terms);
    $country_count = 1;
    foreach( $terms as $termcountry ) {
        if ($country_count = 1){
            echo 'in '.$termcountry->name;
            if ($total_count = 2){
                echo ' And '.$termcountry->name;
                echo ', '.$termcountry->name;
        $country_count = $country_count + 1 ;
    echo '</h1>';

This will output in case of one term:

<h1>Holiday in Spain</h1>

in case of two terms:

<h1>Holiday in Spain And Japan</h1>

and in case of more then two terms:

<h1>Holiday in Spain, Japan, England</h1>

hope this helps