Global page ID variable empty error

After some research and thanks to @Milo for pointing out about using hooks after wp is set, I finnaly got it working. Indeed I had to call it as soon as wp has queried and generated some post/page data;

This is my final solution, where I used add_action( 'template_redirect', 'nb_setup_globals' );

Here is the final code:

 * Setup globals
global $nb_id, $nb_view, $nb_page;
function nb_setup_globals(){
    global $post, $nb_id, $nb_view, $nb_page;

    // Set default vars for globals
    $nb_id = $post->ID;
    $nb_view        = 'front';

    // Post type page
            $nb_post_name = nb_get_template_slug();

    // Post type post / custom post
        $nb_post_name = $post->post_type;

    // View
    if(is_admin()) $nb_view = 'back';

    // Before globals set default vars one last time
    $globals_array  = array(
        'nb_page'   => array(
            'id'    => $nb_id,
            'name'  => $nb_post_name,
            'type'  => $nb_post_type

     * Let the magin GLOBALS be registered
    foreach ($globals_array as $name => $value) {
        global $$name;

        $$name = $value;
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'nb_setup_globals' );

This also works in back-end (post/page edit etc.). Although haven’t testet it fully.