Hide WYSIWYG editor on certain templates

I hope I understood your question right.

The following code will remove the editor from the pages using particular templates:


function wpse242371_remove_editor_from_some_pages()
    global $post;

    if( ! is_a($post, 'WP_Post') ) {

    /* basename is used for templates that are in the subdirectory of the theme */
    $current_page_template_slug = basename( get_page_template_slug($post_id) );

    /* file names of templates to remove the editor on */
    $excluded_template_slugs = array(

    if( in_array($current_page_template_slug, $excluded_template_slugs) ) {
        /* remove editor from pages */
        remove_post_type_support('page', 'editor');
        /* if needed, add posts or CPTs to remove the editor on */
        // remove_post_type_support('post', 'editor');
        // remove_post_type_support('movies', 'editor');


add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'wpse242371_remove_editor_from_some_pages');