You need to have some initial (maybe global) js var markers_array = [];
. Then use an ajax callback function to bump your markers into that array.
Register your scripts
// Define
$root_url = plugin_dir_path(); // Example path
// Ajax
wp_register_script( 'json2', false, false, false, true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'json2' );
,"{$root_url}js/ajax_json.js" // your ajax callback script that handles the request (inside a /js folder)
,'ajax_object' // YOUR MAIN DATA OBJECT
'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' )
,$ajax_nonce => wp_create_nonce( $ajax_nonce_val )
The initial Markers
// inside some <script> part: You need the following php function to build your markers array:
// This js array will be used by your custom build markers js function to build the initial markers. It can also be used to update markers and overlays.
var mapsInitMarkers = <?php echo build_markers_array(); ?>;
// Markers builder callback function for init js-var
function build_markers_array()
$markers = array( /* DEFINE MARKERS HERE */ );
foreach ( $markers as $marker )
// id, lat, lng, name
$output .= "[
$output = substr( $output, 0, -1 ); // get rid of last comma
$output = "[{$output}]";
return $output;
The Ajax Callback function
function ajax_cb_fn()
check_ajax_referer( 'referer_name', $ajax_nonce ); // needed if performed some update via some ex. form
$output=""; // do stuff here - example, use build_markers_array(); with some input to update your markers
$response = json_encode( array(
'data' => $output
) );
header( "Content-Type: application/json" );
echo $response;
The data handling inside ajax_json.js
Now you can write some document.ready()
function inside your new ajax json handling file. In there you can access your data via the ajax_object
javascript object. You could use $.post()
to perform data handling via forms, or else. You can also bump your markers into some createMarkers
js function which you could also use to build your initial array (you need to handle the marker creation somewhere.
Why you shouldn’t add this data as mark-up element attributes
Mark up get’s rendered by the browser, data just processed. Just imagine how your div will look like if you drop hundreds of lat/lng atts in there. In a short time you’ll need to drop support for device browsers and netbook laptops, tablets, etc.