If you mean, how to change the link’s text, then you can change it when you register your taxonomy, by setting the back_to_items
label to whatever text you like. Excerpt from the documentation:
- ‘back_to_items’ – the text displayed after a term has been updated for a link back to main index. Default is
__( '← Back to tags' )
or__( '← Back to categories' )
So for example:
register_taxonomy( 'shows', 'post', array(
'public' => true,
'labels' => array(
'name' => 'Shows',
'singular_name' => 'Show',
'back_to_items' => __( '← Go to Shows', 'text-domain' ),
// other labels
'show_admin_column' => true,
// your other args
) );
If you are unable to change/set the label during the taxonomy registration, e.g. because the taxonomy is being registered by a plugin, you can use the registered_taxonomy_<taxonomy>
or registered_taxonomy
hook to override the taxonomy labels (and other args).