Permission error on plugin save

Its stored in a single file called quote.php

Assuming that means that your plugin is stored in wp-content/plugins/quote.php, then the problem is that your code is hard-coded to submit to wse140202.php— presumably you cribbed some code from another question here.

In other words, this line:

add_menu_page('Quotes Settings', 'Quotes Styling', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'dw_styling_quotes_settings');

Registers a page based on the file name– quote.php, not wse140202.php. Meaning that the page you registered is at admin.php?page=quote.php and not at admin.php?page=wse140202.php. Correct the addresses and it should work.

For the record, registering these pages by file name makes no sense to me. It creates a strange looking, messy URL, it reveals filesystem data potentially useful to hackers, and it isn’t necessary. Register you page with a simple string name instead.

add_menu_page('Quotes Settings', 'Quotes Styling', 'manage_options', 'dw_quotes', 'dw_styling_quotes_settings');

And use admin.php?page=dw_quotes to access the page.

Then tackle those other problems 🙂