How to access function from outside of a class within this class in WP plugin?

Create a static getter for your class instance:

class DD_Awesome_Plugin
     * Plugin main instance.
     * @type object
    protected static $instance = NULL;

     * Access plugin instance. You can create further instances by calling
     * the constructor directly.
     * @wp-hook wp_loaded
     * @return  object T5_Spam_Block
    public static function get_instance()
        if ( NULL === self::$instance )
            self::$instance = new self;

        return self::$instance;

    public function add_menu_page()
            'DD Awesome PLugin', 
            'DD Awesome PLugin', 
            array( $this, 'display_options_page' )

And now you get the plugin instance with:

add_action('admin_menu', function() {


    array( DD_Awesome_Plugin::get_instance(), 'add_menu_page' ) 