How do I know if a rewritten rule was applied?

I’m not very sure of what you’re trying to achieve, but I hope this answer can help. 🙂

  1. With the way your custom post type is being registered, WordPress will create custom rewrite rules such as below for the CPT’s single post pages:

    RegEx: ballinfo/([^/]+)(?:/([0-9]+))?/?$
    Query: index.php?balls=$matches[1]&page=$matches[2]
  2. So for the following question:

    how do I know if a site was called with /ballinfo or not

    When the single page of a balls post is visited, the URL would have /ballinfo/ as in

    Now to programmatically check if the URL contains /ballinfo/, you can check if the $request property of the global WP class instance starts with a ballinfo/ like so:

    global $wp;
    if ( preg_match( '#^ballinfo/#', $wp->request ) ) {
        echo 'Site was called with the /ballinfo<br>';
    echo '$wp->request is ' . $wp->request . '<br>';
  3. And for the following question:

    How do I know if my rewrite rule was matched and used?

    You can match the rule (RegEx) with the one in the $matched_rule property of the global WP class instance.

    For example, for the single balls post pages, where the rule uses the RegEx pattern as in point #1 in this answer, try this:

    global $wp;
    if ( 'ballinfo/([^/]+)(?:/([0-9]+))?/?$' === $wp->matched_rule ) {
        echo 'Yay, my rewrite rule was matched!<br>';
    } else {
        echo 'Not matched. $wp->matched_rule is ' . $wp->matched_rule . '<br>';

And you may already know this, but if you just wanted to check if the requested URL is for a CPT post/archive/etc., you can use is_singular(), is_post_type_archive(), and other appropriate WordPress conditional functions/tags.