When we post an empty anonymous reply, we get the following errors:
The part of BBPress that’s responsible for handling this, is the bbp_new_reply_handler()
function, in the file /bbpress/includes/replies/functions.php
. It contains these lines that are of interest to us:
// User is anonymous
if ( bbp_is_anonymous() ) {
// Filter anonymous data
$anonymous_data = bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data();
where bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data()
is defined in the file /bbpress/includes/replies/functions.php
Here’s a demo plugin that should
- allow you to post a reply with empty names and emails.
- still keep the flood checks per IP number.
- not write cookies, that will pre fill the name and the email textbox.
- give you Anonymous as the replier’s name.
* Plugin Name: Empty Anonymous Replies in BBPress
* Plugin URI: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/133420/26350
add_action( 'init', array( 'WPSE_Empty_Anonymous_Replies', 'init' ) );
class WPSE_Empty_Anonymous_Replies
static protected $name="nobody";
static protected $email="[email protected]";
static public function init()
add_filter( 'bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data',
array( __CLASS__, 'bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data' ),
11, 2 );
add_filter( 'bbp_pre_anonymous_post_author_name',
array( __CLASS__, 'bbp_pre_anonymous_post_author_name' ) );
add_filter( 'bbp_pre_anonymous_post_author_email',
array( __CLASS__, 'bbp_pre_anonymous_post_author_email' ) );
static public function bbp_filter_anonymous_post_data( $retval, $r )
if( self::$name === $r['bbp_anonymous_name']
&& self::$email === $r['bbp_anonymous_email'] )
// reset the input to skip writing cookies
$retval = array();
// trick to activate the IP flood check
$retval['bbp_anonymous_flood_check'] = '1';
return $retval;
static public function bbp_pre_anonymous_post_author_name( $name )
remove_filter( current_filter(), array( __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__ ) );
if( empty( $name ) )
$name = self::$name;
return $name;
static public function bbp_pre_anonymous_post_author_email( $email )
remove_filter( current_filter(), array( __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__ ) );
if( empty( $email ) )
$email = self::$email;
return $email;
I hope this can point you in the right direction.