How to add condition in wordpress loop? [closed]

You don’t even need to write a conditional. This can be done by CSS.

Let’s have a simple example. Assuming your post’s structure is like this:

<div class="container-class">
        <img src=""/>
        Some text

You can set a rule to float the first image to left, and the second one to right:

.container-class img{
.container-class:nth-child(2) img{

This can also be done by doing a conditional, but it’s not necessary. However, if you insist on a conditional for the loop, you can set a value before the first loop, update it in the loop and then use the updated value in the next loop:

// First loop
if ( have_posts() ) {
   // Loop here

// Second loop
if ( have_posts() ) {
    // Loop here. Use the $class to add some class to your post. You 
    // can use this class to style your content.

You can even use numbers instead of strings. This is a vague question, with many solutions. Choose the one that you wish.