How to Add Custom CSS Buttons to WordPress as a Shortcode?

function myButton($atts, $content=""){    

        'text' => '',
        'link' => ''
    ), $atts)); 

    $html="<a href="" . $link . '"><div class="myButton">' . $text . '</div></a>';
    return $html;    

add_shortcode('mybutton', 'myButton');

Add this to your functions.php and you will be able to call the button within wordpress using the shortcode you wanted.

As you can see the class and the link you set become the variables to be used in the shortcode.

If you want to add text to the button you could change the html to the following:

$html="<a href="" . $link . '"><div class="' . $class . '" >' . $content . '</div></a>';

and use it like this

[button class="mybutton" link='home']mybuttonname[/button]

Hope this helps