There is a special action all
that you can use. Be aware, this will be very slow, don’t do that in production.
Here is an example:
add_action( 'all', function() {
static $hooks = [];
$filter = current_filter();
if ( isset ( $hooks[ $filter ] ) )
$types = array_map( function ( $arg ) {
return gettype( $arg );
}, func_get_args() );
$hooks[ $filter ] = count( $types ) . ' arguments: ' . join( ",\t", $types );
if ( 'shutdown' !== $filter )
$text = "\n\nFILE: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' ' . date( 'Y.m.d. H:i:s' ) . "\n\n";
foreach ( $hooks as $hook => $args )
$text .= str_pad( $hook, 50 ) . " => $args\n";
$file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/hook.log';
file_put_contents( $file, $text, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX );
Now you get all hooks listed in a file hooks.log
. Sample output:
FILE: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 2015.03.29. 17:25:41
muplugins_loaded => 1 arguments: string
pre_site_option_siteurl => 2 arguments: string, boolean
site_option_siteurl => 2 arguments: string, string
pre_option_siteurl => 2 arguments: string, boolean
option_siteurl => 2 arguments: string, string
gettext_with_context => 5 arguments: string, string, string, string, string
gettext => 4 arguments: string, string, string, string
registered_taxonomy => 4 arguments: string, string, string, array
sanitize_key => 3 arguments: string, string, string
post_type_labels_post => 2 arguments: string, object
registered_post_type => 3 arguments: string, string, object
post_type_labels_page => 2 arguments: string, object
post_type_labels_attachment => 2 arguments: string, object
post_type_labels_revision => 2 arguments: string, object
post_type_labels_nav_menu_item => 2 arguments: string, object
theme_root => 2 arguments: string, string
pre_option_active_plugins => 2 arguments: string, boolean