Here’s the trick I’ve been using:
- Use an array to store the rewrites
- Hash the array
- Store the hashed array as an option
- Check to see if the stored option matches the curret rewrite hash; if not, update the rewrites
Greatly simplified code snippet (this is meant as a starting point, not a finished product):
add_action( 'init', 'wpse_393260_rewrites' );
function wpse_393260_rewrites() {
// Array of rewrites.
$my_rewrites = array(
'foo/([a-z0-9-]+)[/]?$' => 'index.php?foo=$matches[1]',
'bar/([a-z0-9-]+)[/]?$' => 'index.php?bar=$matches[1]',
// etc.
// Implements the rewrite rules.
foreach ( $my_rewrites as $regex => $query ) {
add_rewrite_rule( $regex, $query, 'top' );
// Hashes the $my_rewrites array.
$hashed_rewrites = md5( serialize( $my_rewrites ) );
// Gets the currently-active rewrites from the option.
$my_current_rewrites = get_option( 'my_rewrites_option' );
// If anything's changed, flush the rewrites and update the option.
if ( $my_current_rewrites !== $hashed_rewrites ) {
update_option( 'my_rewrites_option', $hashed_rewrites );