Issue removing Media Editor Tabs — Duplicate Items

Changing strings to null or to empty strings removes items from left menu of the uploader and corresponding tabs. Paste this code in functions.php:

function remove_media_tab( $strings ) {
    if( !current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
         $strings["createGalleryTitle"] = "";
         $strings["setFeaturedImageTitle"] = "";
         $strings["insertFromUrlTitle"] = "";
         $strings['createPlaylistTitle'] = "";
         $strings['createVideoPlaylistTitle'] = "";
    return $strings;
add_filter( 'media_view_strings', 'remove_media_tab' );

You can also get rid of “create audio playlist” and “create video playlist” buttons with filters:

add_filter( 'media_library_show_audio_playlist', function(){ 
    return false; 
}, 10, 1 );

add_filter( 'media_library_show_video_playlist', function(){ 
    return false; 
}, 10, 1 );

This would additionally save you from running default query that checks if there are any video/audio files in the media library.