In case it’s useful for someone else in this situation, I ended up creating a page outside WordPress which renames the ‘name’ parameter (to ‘username’) and then redirects to the page I originally wanted to hit.
My code for this external page is:
$data = array('UID' => $_GET['UID'],
'username' => $_GET['name'],
'ANI' => $_GET['ANI'],
'PIN' => $_GET['PIN'],
'conferenceUID' => $_GET['conferenceUID'],
'role' => $_GET['role'],
'email' => $_GET['email'],
'notes' => $_GET['notes'],
'custom2' => $_GET['custom2'],
'custom1' => $_GET['custom1'],
'inboundAccessID' => $_GET['inboundAccessID'],
'time_created' => $_GET['time_created'],
'callinNumber' => $_GET['callinNumber']);
header( 'Location:'.http_build_query($data) ) ;
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