Ajax page load in wordpress the right way?

Short answer: it’s not possible what you’re asking, in the right way.

Because the DOM is changed, the elements that were removed had their events attached on them removed also, so you need to run that javascript again on the new elements. And if you have no control over those plugins and their javascript, then you’ll have to do this the ugly way. This means that you need to search for <script> tags inside the ajax response and inject them in the document.

What’s even worse, you will need to bypass browser “security” measures by carefully passing strings like '<scr' + 'ipt>' to $.append() (or whatever innerhtml wrapper you use). Also avoid executing any javascript code that contains document.write calls (here‘s why).

As a side note, try to avoid $.live in favor of $.delegate:

$('#subpage_arrows a').live("click", ... => $('#subpage_arrows').delegate("a", "click", ...

(you narrow down the dom selection)