Like most others, I highly recommend using WPTouch. However, it’s built more to support blogs than other website formats, so I know it’s not the panacea of mobile solutions (I run my portfolio on WordPress as well as my blog, and my portfolio looks like ****
in WPTouch).
So I did take a look at the code to find the relevant portions that you’d need to use to replicate the mobile browser detection. Firstly, as mentioned by Jan Fabry, is a list of mobile browser user agents. WPTouch includes a default list, but also allows you to add custom user agents with a setting or with a filter called wptouch_user_agents
function bnc_wptouch_get_user_agents() {
$useragents = array(
"iPhone", // Apple iPhone
"iPod", // Apple iPod touch
"Android", // 1.5+ Android
"dream", // Pre 1.5 Android
"CUPCAKE", // 1.5+ Android
"blackberry9500", // Storm
"blackberry9530", // Storm
"blackberry9520", // Storm v2
"blackberry9550", // Storm v2
"blackberry9800", // Torch
"webOS", // Palm Pre Experimental
"incognito", // Other iPhone browser
"webmate", // Other iPhone browser
"s8000", // Samsung Dolphin browser
"bada" // Samsung Dolphin browser
$settings = bnc_wptouch_get_settings();
if ( isset( $settings['custom-user-agents'] ) ) {
foreach( $settings['custom-user-agents'] as $agent ) {
if ( !strlen( $agent ) ) continue;
$useragents[] = $agent;
asort( $useragents );
// WPtouch User Agent Filter
$useragents = apply_filters( 'wptouch_user_agents', $useragents );
return $useragents;
The meat of the plugin, though, is a class:
class WPtouchPlugin {
var $applemobile;
var $desired_view;
var $output_started;
var $prowl_output;
var $prowl_success;
The plugin’s constructor (function WPtouchPlugin()
) first adds an action to the plugins_loaded
hook to detect the mobile browser’s user agent and set $applemobile
to true. Here’s the specific function:
function detectAppleMobile($query = '') {
$container = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$this->applemobile = false;
$useragents = bnc_wptouch_get_user_agents();
$devfile = compat_get_plugin_dir( 'wptouch' ) . '/include/developer.mode';
foreach ( $useragents as $useragent ) {
if ( preg_match( "#$useragent#i", $container ) || file_exists( $devfile ) ) {
$this->applemobile = true;
Now the plugin knows you’re using a mobile browser (according to the browser’s user agent). The next meaty part of the plugin is a set of filters:
if ( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-admin' ) === false ) {
add_filter( 'stylesheet', array(&$this, 'get_stylesheet') );
add_filter( 'theme_root', array(&$this, 'theme_root') );
add_filter( 'theme_root_uri', array(&$this, 'theme_root_uri') );
add_filter( 'template', array(&$this, 'get_template') );
Each of these filters calls a method that checks whether or not $applemoble
is set to true. If it is, then WordPress will use your mobile stylesheet, your mobile theme, and a mobile post/page template instead of the default ones for your theme. Basically, you’re overriding WordPress’ default behavior based on whether or not the browser being used has a user agent that matches your list of “mobile browsers.”
WPTouch also includes the ability to turn off the mobile theme – when you visit a WPTouch site on an iPhone, there’s a button at the bottom that allows you to view the site normally. You might want to consider this as you build your own solution.
Disclaimer: All of the above code was copied out of the source for WPTouch version and is protected under the GPL. If you re-use the code, your system must also comply with the terms of the GPL. I did not write this code.