If you’re dealing with framework that holds values in a global variable then there isn’t much you can do about it. Here is an example of wrapping the variable in a static getter.
if ( ! class_exists( 'SMOFData' ) ):
class SMOFData {
static public function is( $key, $compare ) {
$value = static::get( $key );
return $value === $compare;
static public function not( $key, $compare ) {
$value = static::get( $key );
return $value !== $compare;
static public function has( $key ) {
$value = static::get( $key );
return ! empty( $value );
static public function get( $key ) {
global $smof_data;
if ( ! isset( $smof_data ) ) {
return null;
return isset( $smof_data[ $key ] ) ? $smof_data[ $key ] : null;
endif; // SMOFData
To access the data just use
echo SMOFData::get('td_header_blocks')['enabled'];
function matilda_customize_styles() {
$css="<style type="text/css" media="screen">";
$td_body_font_family = SMOFData::get( 'td_body_font_family' );
if ( ! empty( $td_body_font_family ) && $td_body_font_family != 'none' ) {
$css .= 'body{font-family:' . esc_html( $td_body_font_family ) . ';}';
function matilda_customize_styles() {
$css="<style type="text/css" media="screen">";
if ( SMOFData::has( 'td_body_font_family' ) && SMOFData::not( 'td_body_font_family', 'none' ) ) {
$css .= 'body{font-family:' . esc_html( SMOFData::get( 'td_body_font_family' ) ) . ';}';
If you just want you’re own globals you can wrap that in a class as well.
if ( ! class_exists( 'ThemeData' ) ):
class ThemeData {
private static $_values = array ();
static public function get( $key ) {
return isset( static::$_values[ $key ] ) ? static::$_values[ $key ] : null;
static public function set( $key, $value ) {
static::$_values[ $key ] = $value;
return $value;
endif; // ThemeData
// setter
ThemeData::set('foo', 'bar');
// getter
echo ThemeData::get('foo');