How To Get HTML Eelement From Another Page

You’re talking about scraping, which is generally an unreliable method of getting data, especially if you don’t control the other page.

However, in PHP, once you retrieve the download page with something like wp_remote_get, you can use a regular expression to extract the pieces you need with preg_match_all.

$response = wp_remote_get( '' );
$page = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
$regexp = '/developed by <strong>(.*?)<\/strong>.*?version is <strong>(.*?)<\/strong>/';
preg_match( $regexp, $page, $matches );
echo $matches[1]; // Jim
echo $matches[2]; // 25.0.8

Basically, each of the (.*?) parts captures the content that appears in that part of the pattern, and puts it in an array called $matches. Note that any change to how the developer and version are presented on the download page will likely break this pattern, so be careful.