How to handle dynamic form data with repeating fields?

In the second scenario you’re getting the only second title, because you need to have unique field names for each field, or one will override the other(s) in $_POST.

One way to resolve this is to have a single hidden field called perhaps max_id in which you store the highest id number that you’ve used on the form – so it starts at 1, and is incremented by jquery every time you load another set of form fields.

Then, your php reads that field, and does a basic for loop, starting at 1 up to the max_id that was submitted and reading the form data from $_POST. It would look something like this:

$max = $_POST['max_id'];

for ($i=1; $i <= $max; $i++) { 
    $field_key = 'testfield_' . $i;
    // process the form data here...
    // you can add suffix to $field_key if you're working with more than just a title field
    // i.e. $some_field = $_POST[$field_key . '_some_field']
    // which would correspond to $_POST['testfield_1_some_field'], $_POST['testfield_2_some_field'], etc

Second scenario

As mentioned in the comments, you need to allow for non-sequential form field IDs. In this case I’d use a different approach. Set up a hidden field and use it store the form field ID (just the numbers is fine), and update this appropriately via jQuery when new sets of fields are added/removed. For example, you may end up with something like this when the form is submitted and processed by PHP: <input type="hidden" name="field_ids" value="1,2,3,5,7" />

Then, your PHP needs to take this hidden field’s value and loop through the fields appropriately:

$field_ids = explode(',', $_POST['field_ids']);
foreach ($field_ids as $id) { 
    $field_key = 'testfield_' . $i;
    // use the fieldkey to access values in $_POST as need be.