How to move 1 WP site from a mult-site environment to a different multi-site area

If you know how WordPress is structured internally it should not be too hard. Here are the steps:

  1. For your site to migrate create a new site in the WordPress multisite environment (the information in the following tables must fit the new environment)
wp_blogs (especially this)
wp_blogs_versions (probably irrelevant)
wp_registration_log (probably irrelevant)
wp_signups (probably irrelevant)
wp_site (especially this)
wp_sitemeta (especially this)
  1. Extract the media folder from the old multisite subsite and copy it to the new multisite subsite
  2. The following tables are site specific – move them from the old subsite to the new subsite (delete the tables from the new multisite and replace them, adjust the prefix)
  1. The wp_users and wp_usermeta information will be different in your new multisite environment – you will have to extract the information from the old database or synchronize them somehow

  2. The Plugins/Themes in your new environment will be different, you have to make sure that this is either available or you remove those functionality from the subsite first.

Note that there might still be certain problems to fix as of different environments.

An easier way is to just copy over the theme and export the users and their contents and import them in your new site. If this is sufficient depends on what you want to achieve.