White screen on home page after migration; no errors
I found it. I guess WP Engine uses a random database table name prefix rather than this default in wp-config.php: $table_prefix = ‘wp_’;
I found it. I guess WP Engine uses a random database table name prefix rather than this default in wp-config.php: $table_prefix = ‘wp_’;
Dev instance replaced my prod instance automatically – what would cause this?
Use https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Tools_and_setup/What_are_browser_developer_tools to determine: Are the URLs absolute or relative as seen in browser source? Is the path correct for the images that throw the 404’s? If you changed domains, take a look at https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/search?q=CLI+change+domains
I tried to copy the website locally and I ran into the same issue. In the end I used a Migration Plugin (BackupBliss – Backup Migration Staging) and created a Backup on the staging page. Then I created a blank WordPress install on the target server and added the same plugin to restore the backup. … Read more
Reverseproxied WordPress Docker stack keeps redirecting to old domain name
An issue like this is almost always related to cache plugins going haywire after a site is being migrated. Delete the folder of the plugin that’s using Redis via your hosting’s file manager or FTP/SFTP. Check if the error goes away by visiting the pages of your site where you usually see the error. If … Read more
Replacing embedded post images from another site
Can you move a self-hosted WordPress blog into an existing WordPress.com blog?
Add the following code to dynamically set the base URL for your ACF custom URL field. Replace slide_url with the name of your ACF custom URL field function custom_acf_slide_url_base_url($value, $post_id, $field) { // Get the base URL dynamically based on the environment $base_url=””; if (strpos(site_url(), ‘staging’) !== false) { $base_url=”https://staging.example.com”; // Replace with your staging … Read more
How do I setup my cpanel site backup on a local host?