You can’t easily change only the URL of that link, because there is no filter that will allow you to do that, but…
uses get_next_post_link
. There are no filters in any of these functions, but… get_next_post_link
uses get_adjacent_post_link
and inside of that function you can see {$adjacent}_post_link
So now we can check docs for that hook. And then write some code:
function my_next_post_link($output, $format, $link, $post, $adjacent) {
return '<a href="<MY LINK">MY LINK LABEL</a>';
add_filter( 'next_post_link', 'my_next_post_link', 10, 5 );
PS. Most likely you also have to add some conditions in there, so you don’t change every link on your site and only the one you want to.
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