How to remove specific tag from multiple posts?

Since no direct function is there to achieve the required so I have made the code.

Code is self explanatory and you can tweak it the way you like.

                //Assuming a post ID to reset tags.
            $postid = 172;
                //Assuming tag2 is supposed to be removed
            $remove_tag = 'tag2';
                //Collecting all the tags of post
            $total_tags = get_the_tags($postid);
                //Recreating an array without the $remove_tag
            foreach($total_tags as $tag){
                if($tag->name != $remove_tag){
                    $updated_tags[] = $tag->name;
            //Setting tags with $updated_tags array.
            wp_set_post_terms( $postid, $updated_tags, 'post_tag', false);

If you are working on multiple posts then you can run a foreach loop and by passing postid in each loop.

Code updated to include many posts (post id’s)

        //Assuming a post ID to reset tags.
    $posts_to_remove_tag_from = array(172,168);
        //Assuming tag2 is supposed to be removed
    $remove_tag = 'tag2';
        //Collecting all the tags of post
    foreach($posts_to_remove_tag_from as $postid){
        $total_tags = get_the_tags($postid);
            //Recreating an array to without the $remove_tag
        foreach($total_tags as $tag){
            if($tag->name != $remove_tag){
                $updated_tags[] = $tag->name;
        //Setting tags with $updated_tags array.
        wp_set_post_terms( $postid, $updated_tags, 'post_tag', false);
            //flushing $updated_tags array, and make it ready for next post in the loop.
        $updated_tags = [];