How to set variables with AJAX request to use in another function in WordPress

There are two issues

Broken Callbacks

You’ve used:

add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_my_php_ajax_function','my_php_ajax_function' );

This is equivalent to:

When `wp_ajax_nopriv_my_php_ajax_function` happens
    do: `my_php_ajax_function()`

Which is not what you wanted, because that is not a function, and there is no my_php_ajax_function function.

You also don’t just want it on that class, you want it on that specific instance of that class, afterall how will it know what $this is?

add_action expects parameter 2 to be a callable, so lets look up the callable that matches a class function:

// Type 3: Object method call
$obj = new MyClass();
call_user_func(array($obj, 'myCallbackMethod'));

So instead of "function name" you need to pass [ $this, "class function name" ]

Sharing Data Across Requests

Unlike webapps built with Java and other languages, PHP apps are loaded from scratch each time a request is handled and have a limited lifespan. There is no shared persistent program running in the background.

Everytime your browser talks to your server, be it to load a page, or via javascript, WordPress is loaded from a blank slate. When WordPress has responded, it is destroyed and nothing is preserved.

This means all variables are wiped at the end of every request.

If you want to persist/save those values, you have several options:

  • store it in a cookie
  • store it in user meta if the user is logged in
  • store it in the browser and send it with every request
  • store it on a post or page ( best for data specific to a post that affects all users )
  • store it in an option or transient ( best for global site level data that affects all users )